Scrap Rag Wreath {tutorial}

Phew....FINALLY done with this little diddy.  I don't say that because it was hard, it just seemed like the project that wouldn't ever end.  It was a great idea to use up some of my drop cloth scraps from this and a floral wreath that I picked up at an antique store for pennies.

Pretty much the same method I used here.  Ha!....and looked back at that post I actually DID use if for what I said I was going to!  Pretty happy about that, since I collect things with and idea of doing something with it and then it takes a totally different turn!  Am I alone in this?

Supplies needed:
Wire form
Embellishments (optional)

How to:
Tear fabric into strips.  This can be anywhere between 1/2" and 1".  Be wild and crazy (unlike me) and vary the widths.  Make a snip at the top of the fabric and rip it.  It'll rip straight and give you those warn edges.  Then rip and rip and rip.  Then get bored with ripping, so start on next task (or project) but have to come back to this to finish.  (See why it took me so long?)

Once you have you pieces, cut them about 8-18" depending on how your form is.  Cut and tie one first and see how the length looks.  My form was a double form, so I cut mine about 15".  Cut LOTS of these, because you'll need them.  (Don't stop and set this aside like I did, otherwise it will take you forever.  Keep on trucking...)

Then start tying.  I double wrapped mine, but you can do single or double or a combo.  Tie with a square knot on top.  I spread mine out (not sure why?)  Did I mention I get bored easily?  Can anyone say crafting ADD?

Keep on tying.

And some more.  Don't give're almost there.  (Well, not really....but you can't stop here.)

Phew.  You made it!  Way to go.  But it still needed something, so I grabbed some starfish when I was at Big Lots the other day and tied three on with some jute I had.

See....nice torn edges.

Pretty starfish.

I wish I had a sea themed room that I could put this in!  Right now it has a nice place on my mantle as I attempt a "summer mantle"

Luckily I still have a lot of drop cloth left because I score this great wing back chair that I'm planning on covering in true Miss Mustard Seed style!  (I already painted the legs with chalk paint: Old White.)

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