Camera Strap Slipcover

For my first one...

(yes, I said first...I'm going to make another...a girl's gotta have options, right? :) 

...I decided to skip the ruffle.  I wanted to make sure I was going to like it and it would fit before I "ruffled" it.  Plus, I didn't have a fabric I liked on hand (hard to believe), and its after hours at my local craft store.

Not bad for timing; I found/posted the idea here and its not even 6 weeks later.  And its summer.  And I have all 4 kids home.  And family in town visiting.  

But I snuck a way to my office for a bit and sewed.  I sewed something for me!  (I haven't been doing much of that lately.)  Anyway...the only change I made from the tutorial I followed was to top stitch both sides.  I'm a symmetrical person so had to have it even.

I lengthened the strap an inch because I made it to fit my camera strap.  I love that its removable and washable.  It only took 45 mins and that included getting everything out and cleaning everything up AND I was watching a movie.  The next one will go much quicker.

{This is sewing challenge #22...I'm a bit behind so must get moving!}

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