A visit from Mom and my summer plans

My mom just came down to visit for a week.  Woo Hoo!

You think I'd have a lot to write about, but no.  It always seems that just as we get settled into her here, its time for her to go.  Next time, I told her, she has to stay for TWO weeks!

I did get some great second opinions on some (well pretty much all) of the projects I've been wanting to do around the house.  So, I'm hoping to get moving on those and have a lot to post about this summer.  Its not going to be quick but that's because I have all 4 kiddos home with me...no school...no summer programs...just us.

I'm attempting to give home schooling a testing this summer.  I have some stuff planned (which I'll write about soon) and our summer scheduled so that things don't turn all "Lord-of-the-Flies" around here.

Here are just a few of the things I'd like to do around the house...

Build a folding table over  my washer and dryer (DONE)
Paint a mural on baby girls wall (DONE)
Make a hook rack for towels by the pool (Working on it...)
Put up some sort of board and baton or planked wall in girls room (Hubs vetoed this)
Reorganize play room (DONE)
Finish my craft room/office (Almost DONE)
Make new curtain for the living room (Scrapped)
Paint baby girls new/old armoire with chalk paint (DONE and SOLD so need to do another)
Build an outdoor fireplace (biting off more than I can chew???)
Do something to our powder room (Still trying to decide what.....)
Make a quilt (Started...)

But the (almost) biggest thing....simplify!!!  We have too much stuff.  It always make me laugh when the movers come to evaluate our home.  Every. Single. Time.  They totally underestimate the weight and time its going to take.  (Did I mention we move a lot?  Did I also mention we just found out we are here for 2 more years???)

The most important part of the summer....have fun with my family.  And document that fun!  My oldest just turned 8 (yikes) and we are realizing just how quickly she is growing up.

Off to planning...

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