Recovering a chair {SC#6}

Well, kind of recovering.  Recovering the seat and then sewing a "slipcover" for the back.  I did not take pictures of this (but should have) because it was all last minute.  This is a project for our furniture painting business that a friend and I have started. The Painted Paisley.

The bottom seat was easy.  Simply wrap and staple, then trim.  It was the top that took time.  The back is open as well (I should get pics...) so I had to "slipcover" it.  Its slightly angled so the straight lines of the checks threw me off!  I pinned it right sides together for a dry fit, then sewed 3 sides.  Turned right side out and checked the fit  It was great, so I turned it back inside out, trimmed edges and corners, then back right side out and stuffed it.  The bottom I had to tuck and whip stitched closed.

The cute little pillow will be my sewing challenge post for next weekend.  
(Trying to get a little bit ahead!)

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