Appliqued Patching Jeans {tutorial and SC3}

From this!

My oldest child is a little rough on her clothes, so we end up with a lot of peek-a-book knees.  The rest of the jeans are fine, but the knees on every. single. pair. are torn.  So...I patch them.  I use to sell patches and appliques in my Etsy store so have my pick left over from what I never listed.  I prefer decor fabric for knees because they will last longer.  

Holey jeans (check)

Wonder under
Optional: embroidery thread and needle

How to:
Figure out what shape you want.  Cut a piece of wonder under a little bigger than your final shape, and a piece of fabric a little bigger than your wonder under.

Iron WU onto fabric per included instructions.  Flip it over and trace or draw your shape onto the back, then cut it out. 

Iron all those little loose threads on your jeans flat.  If you have a hole, then you'll need to put a piece of wax paper beneath the hole so that your wonder under doesn't bond to the inside back of jeans! :)  If its just a lot of threads, you'll be fine without using it.  

Peel backing of your patch, place over knee and iron on following instructions.

With that, you can be done, but you can also take it a step further and sew the edges of the patch.  I use heave duty wonder under that says "no sewing needed" but it still could use it.  The patch will eventually pull away...or maybe that's because my child plays too rough and then picks at them???

I used three strands of embroidery floss and did a quick whip stitch around the edge.  I've blanket stitched some, I've done a running stitch on some. 

#2 couldn't wait to get them on, princess dress up shoes and all!  Too bad school is out today for snow.  She wanted to show her friends her cute new jeans!

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