Headboard is {almost} done

I had to take advantage of the break in the freezing weather to paint.  The temps around here went from 40's to 70's and now were back to single digits....in a matter days.  Cra-zee!!!  

Here's the before

Originally I had been planning to make Ana White's Farmhouse bed.  We bought all the wood (true to her directions it was $120..which is a steal compared to the umpteen-hundred that PB is selling theirs for!)  I bought it about 6-7 months ago and it sat and sat and sat and sat in our garage.  

A couple of weeks ago a friend and I wandered into a shop selling used furniture and I found it.  The {almost} perfect bed.  It had a decal and was missing a foot board, but that's OK, especially since they only wanted $25 for it.  I think I actually giggled.  Solid wood.  I knew what a $5 can of spray paint could do to it.  So I bought it.  $30 is a lot better than $120, which was already much better than umpteen-hundred.  

I did the normal sand, prime and spray paint (I *heart* spray paint!), and then I lightly glazed it to tone down the bright red.  I love it!  I was originally going distressed white, but changed my mind to red at the last minute...and so glad I did.

When I put it behind the bed, the mattress looks a bit low, so I'll mosey on over the Lowes and grab some bigger wheels/risers for the bed.

Now I just need to finish the bedding....that'll be another post! :)

Edited to add:
I'm so excited!  I just found the matching footboard on Craigslist.  Ha!  Someone is selling just a footboard AND it matches!!!


  1. I love the Red! I can not believe you found just the foot board on Craiqslist! I am jumping for joy for you!!!!!!

  2. Great improvement! And, great luck to find the matching footboard!
    Kate @ welcomedtempest.blogspot.com

  3. Haha I have this whole set & I want to change it up some how. Thanks for giving me an idea of what it'd look like painted
