Personalized Christmas Decor

A post from Christmas last year...

After getting our tree up and decorated (in a minimalist way), I decided it needed a little something extra. I've seen variations of these with the numbers 1-25 (but really...who's going to buy 25 frames???) or ho-ho-ho, but I decided our tree needed a little personalization. And since there are 6 of us now, that ought to fill it up, right? Somehow my car managed to drive me to Hobby Lobby this morning, where there table frames were all 50% off. I rarely buy anything at HL unless is on sale, cuz lets face it...sooner or later everything is on sale there! Anyway...this little project only ended up costing $15...and that's for 6! These would be great gift for a teacher or friend or neighbor, since they were $2.50 each. Who doesn't like a little personalization?

Supplies Needed:
Spray paint

Here's what you do:

Disassembled the frames, so they are just the frame part.  Take outside and attack them with a bottle of flat black spray paint.  Let them dry. In the meantime, find a font that you like and print out initials.  Cut into squares, then reassemble with the initials and viola!

Vinyl on the glass with a Christmas paper backing
Embroider or cross-stitch initials on fabric
Print on Christmas paper 

I really just stuck them in the tree like that! Next year, I'm hoping to embroider the letters, but we'll see. With "B" coming in Feb, I know I'm not going to have much free time. :)

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