Embroidery Hoop Art {tutorial}

I've seen these around and figured it would be a nice (read:cheap) way to add some finishing touches to the girls room.  (Well, saying finishing touches would apply that I'm almost done with the room....but I'm not!)  

These were super easy to make and most of the supplies I had on hand.  I just picked up a few more embroidery hoops at antique stores and HL (on sale), the rest was in my "office." 

 Supplies needed: embroidery hoops, fabric approx 2" wider than hoops, scissors and glue (I used Aleene's becasue it's what I had, but I'm sure any type would work.)  Oh...and a little time...very little time...which are the type of projects I like!!!

So, how do you make these???  You simply put the fabric inside the hoops, stretch so its flat, and tighten the hoop.  Flip it over, trim the fabric (I used pinking shears, but any type of scissors will work) to about 1/2 -1 inch away from hoop.  Run a line of glue around the back side of the inner hoop edge (not the inside of hoop, but the part that will be against the wall) and press you fabric to the back.  Let dry.  Hang.  Easy.  Peasy.  Done!

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